A new blog begins

Bless me Blogger, for I have penned . On paper. I was away from the digital sphere since my desktop computer was taken over by aliens (okay, nefarious humans who knew an old machine when they got their malware on it). There was a blog that went with it. It was apparent from a few friends/family member that this blog was their non-social-media means of keeping in touch, and for that and the ease of journaling via keyboard I am back! So the blog that once had 100k+ views and regular traffic is gone forever. And that's okay! It doesn't take away the reality of living the past 13 years that the blog was up. Holy crap that is a long time. Anyhow, hi. For anyone just stumbling through blogger, my name is Heidi Skrzypek (say Skrigh-Peck, that's how Americans pronounce it; in Poland I am told it's shrip-pick ). I own Heidi Witherspoon Copywriting, a communications business I have had for many years from when I had a different last name. All my by-lines have this name, spann...