Bellevue Masters Mile

Race recap - What a fantastic, supportive group of swimmers we have in masters here in the Pacific Northwest. It takes a certain breed of human to slog through 1500m nonstop, staring down at a black line in the pool. But we turned out, we churned through it, and we are humbled by the effort made between volunteers and athletes to make complex meets like these flow successfully. Today was extra special because our Notorious Alki Swimmers lady squad showed up in force to swim this event! It was amazing to have so many friends surrounding each other, counting laps, calming nerves and cheering. Even though I kind of don't want to be cheered (I zen out). This was my second EVER pool event at the ripe age of 51. It was my very first event yesterday starting off the block; I had practiced with a local coach and swimmer Susan Parsons just the day prior and she had me leaping in no time. The thing is, Bellevue's blocks are nearly hip high! Nothing like the knee-high ones I pra...